Importance of Play in Early Childhood

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood

Play is the heart of early childhood. For young children, it is fun and vital to learning and development. Play allows children to use their creativity and imagination, develop physical, cognitive and emotional strength, and practice life skills. At Tappy Toes Nursery, we recognise play’s incredible benefits for children’s growth and learning. In this blog, we will explore why it is so critical for children aged 0-5 and how different types of play help young children build a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. Read on to learn more!

What is Play?

Play is any spontaneous or structured activity a child engages in to have fun and relax. It allows children to use their creativity to learn about the world uniquely. Play can take many forms, from sensory play with different textures to imaginative pretend play with toys or creative arts. It allows kids to develop new skills, try different roles, and build confidence. Regardless of the type of play, it should never feel like work but instead be something children freely choose to do for enjoyment and self-fulfilment.

The Many Benefits of Play

Play is not wasted time but rather ignites all areas of development in early childhood. It helps children in different ways:

  • Develop physical abilities: Play builds strength, balance, coordination, and other gross and fine motor skills. For example, climbing on monkey bars builds upper body strength, while playing with blocks develops hand-eye coordination.
  • Understand and regulate emotions: Play allows children to explore and express different emotions. For example, role-playing helps them manage feelings and conflicts through pretend scenarios. 
  • Cultivate creativity and imagination: Play encourages divergent thinking, problem-solving and coming up with original ideas. For example, building a fort out of sheets and cushions fosters ingenuity.
  • Acquire cognitive skills: Play shapes intellectual development as children engage with materials and challenges. For example, sorting toys helps recognise patterns, shapes, numbers and differences.
  • Learn social skills: Play teaches children how to share, cooperate, take turns and interact positively with peers. For example, playing a game together builds teamwork.
  • Become independent and develop self-esteem: Play allows children to make their own choices, which builds confidence. For example, choosing what to include in a pretend cooking scenario helps independence. 
  • Understand the world around them: Play enables children to grasp concepts about how real life works. For example, pretending to go grocery shopping exposes them to purchasing basics.

With so many benefits, it is clear why play is valued as an instrumental part of early childhood development.

Types of PlayBenefits of play

There are many types of play, each providing unique learning experiences for young children. Here are some of the critical kinds of play children should experience:

Sensory Play

Sensory play involves using the five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Playing with sensory materials like sand, water, playdough, paint and more allows children to stimulate their senses. This type of play builds nerve connections in the brain while supporting the development of fine motor skills, cognitive development and language. 

Creative Play

Creative play involves any type of art, pretend play, music and dance that allows children to express their creative side. Dressing up, drawing pictures, playing with playdough and instruments and dancing all encourage imagination and self-expression. It also advances coordination, emotional intelligence and divergent thinking.

Physical Play

Physical play consists of any games and activities that get the body moving. Running, jumping, climbing, dancing, sports and playing on playgrounds all provide gross motor skill development. This type of play is critical for strength, endurance, flexibility and overall health and wellness. It also helps release pent-up energy!

Constructive Play 

Constructive play refers to building and creating things. Playing with blocks, lego, other construction toys, and various craft materials like cardboard tubes, sticks, and fabric promotes planning, reasoning, maths, science and problem-solving abilities. Constructive play is very beneficial for developing logic, focus and resilience.

Pretend Play

Pretend play helps kids work through challenging situations and stressful feelings in a fun, constructive manner. For instance, playing hospital allows them to act out roles of doctors, nurses and sick patients, building empathy and emotional regulation skills. Make-believe scenarios build confidence to try new things and resilience to handle difficult emotions and solve imaginary “problems”. This lays the foundation for healthy social and emotional development.

Guided Play

Guided play refers to playful learning experiences facilitated by an adult. Reading stories, asking questions during play, and joining pretend scenarios can all provide gentle guidance. This type of play helps adults teach children new skills, model behaviour and expand learning concepts.

Independent Play 

Independent play (also called free play) is when children play independently without any adult direction. Choosing their activities, creating rules and exploring their interests helps children build autonomy, self-confidence and problem-solving abilities. Independent play is child-led learning at its finest!

Learning Through Play

Play and learning go hand-in-hand for young children. Play is not distinct but rather a channel for learning. When children are playing:

  • They are actively engaged and motivated – which means they eagerly learn.
  • They can work at their level and pace, which enables learning success. 
  • Learning is hands-on, so concepts are grasped and retained.
  • They are practising newly acquired skills repeatedly, which increases mastery.
  • They combine different learning areas (maths, science, language, social studies), reinforcing holistic learning.

Play-based learning fully utilises play’s power as a multifaceted learning tool. That is why play is often called the work of childhood!

Role of Adults

For all the benefits play provides, children still need attentive adults to guide the experience. Adults enhance play-based learning in early childhood by:

  • Carefully designing play spaces with diverse materials.
  • Establishing engaging play areas like dramatic play centres. 
  • Joining in play, asking questions and engaging minds.
  • Supporting social interaction and development among peers.  
  • Ensuring play is physically safe while providing challenges.
  • Finding the balance between free play and teacher-led play.
  • Managing time transitions in and out of play.
  • Modelling desired behaviours and stepping in when needed.

The adult’s role is not to lead or control play but to actively observe, support, enrich and extend learning. This takes skill, planning and sensitivity to each child’s needs. But the rewards are immense!

Tappy Toes Nursery: Empowering Young Minds Through Play

At Tappy Toes Nursery, we know that play is not just fun and games for young children – it is how they learn, develop essential skills, and grow into happy, balanced individuals. Our carefully designed play-based learning environment sets them up for ongoing success by addressing all areas of a child’s development – social, physical, emotional, cognitive and more. Through stimulating yet flexible play experiences, we spark natural curiosity and fuel lifelong enthusiasm for learning. Our caring educators understand the value of play and support each child’s unique strengths, interests and needs. 


Play shapes who children become and the lives they live. That is why play is priceless – not only in childhood but throughout our lives. The early childhood years are ideally suited for the gift of play. At Tappy Toes Nursery, cultivating enriching play is at the heart of our early learning programme. We aim to empower every mind walking through our doors by allowing them space to explore, discover and thrive through self-guided play. Isn’t it time to let your little one reap these essential benefits? Contact us today to learn more about our fun-filled programmes for young learners!

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